

【2019年4月1日、さいたま】 グローバルに自動車部品を供給するカルソニックカンセイ株式会社(本社:さいたま市北区、社長:ベダ・ボルゼニウス)は、本日10時00分から、さいたま市の研究開発センター・本社にて、グループ合同で計183名の新入社員を迎え、2019年度入社式を開催しました。


This year, 2019 will be a milestone for Calsonic Kansei. I've picked up "Exciting" and "Independent" as keywords for this important year. I hope everyone embraces those changes openly and enjoys positively. All those initiates taken in place at Calsonic Kansei are a part of processes to take us to an independent, global top leading tier1 player in the very near future.

I believe that today will mark a significant turning point of your life. With a memory of this special day in mind throughout your long life ahead of you, enjoy your everyday life while striving for the best toward the great future as a member of Calsonic Kansei. Always ask yourself whether you're growing and learning. I have high expectations for each one of you to make yourself indispensable to the company.




